Monday, March 30, 2020

Learn About Order Graphs - The Right Way

Learn About Order Graphs - The Right WayChemistry Order Graphs is helpful in giving an overview of the order of chemical reactions and other information about the various chemical reactions that take place during the process of making a product. They provide a graphical representation of the various pathways of chemical reactions and the materials used during the process of creating a product. The only problem with these diagrams is that they only show the overall process, but not the specific steps that take place at each step of the process.For example, you might want to learn about a chemical reaction that takes place during the processing of a material. In order to get the process in its right order, you will need to create your own chemical order graph.There are two kinds of information that can be shown on order graphs. You can either display how many molecules are in a given molecule or the atomic weight of a given molecule.It is important to understand that the measurement th at is displayed on an order graph is usually dependent on the type of graph that is being used. This is another reason why it is important to learn about the different types of graph data before you begin to make any graphs.Graphs are often also used to depict the chemical structure of the material that has been studied in an experiment. When a diagram is plotted, it will give a visual representation of how the molecule has been arranged within the material being studied. Sometimes this visual representation of the material can help a student remember the chemical steps that are needed to create the material.There are different types of orders graphs. Depending on the kind of material that is being studied, there are order graphs that can be created using different metrics and this will also depend on what type of work that is being done.You may want to create order graphs of certain materials by using specific graphs. To learn more about this type of ordering graph, you will need t o do some research on how to order graphs are created.Order graphs are useful tools for many reasons. If you have never made a graph before, it is recommended that you learn about order graphs so that you can use them effectively in your laboratory.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Is your school dying a digital death

Is your school dying a digital death The 1960s was a remarkable decade for technology. Electronic calculators, computers (so large they filled entire rooms) and the Internet (well...sort of) were making headlines. Audio-visual instruction and overhead projectors were adopted en masse. At the center of it all, educators were given a new lease on teaching. They had more time than ever before to develop new ways to reach and inspire their students. The classroom was forever changed. Schools took a 20th-century-style leap forward. 50-ish years later, and we’re at a similar turning point in education technology. Well beyond Steve Jobs’ vision for a computer in every home, most teachers *and* students have ‘mini-computers’ in their pockets that are literally millions of times more powerful than what astronauts used to get to the moon in the ‘60s. So why are schools still recruiting teachers as they were 50 years ago? Sure, back then job fairs and traditional advertising pulled in plenty of talent, but today, the best teachers are hired long before your ads go to print. COLD HARD FACT: We’re not living in the 20th century anymore! Most schools have dumped overhead projectors for their flashier younger brothers, and updated teaching techniques to reflect the changing times. But struggle when it comes to changing anything online. And when websites are bad, recruitment strategies haven’t been updated since the age of the job fair. Think about that…job fairs and traditional advertising may have been cutting edge in the ‘60s, but now they’re just business as usual. They’re considered one foot in the grave as far as recruitment strategies go. COLDER HARDER FACT: 97% of teachers are finding their roles online. Now that the cold hard truth is on the table, it’s time to look at what we can change and use that knowledge to develop a recruitment strategy that is streamlined, results-driven and capable of netting the world’s best teachers. So first and foremost, all schools are on the same recruitment strategy curve. Just like placing students on a grading bell-curve there are different stages in the development of an awesome student, just as there are multiple stages when it comes to creating the right recruitment strategy. First, you’ve got to change their mindset - so if your strategy isn’t working, you might be inclined to think you’re doing something wrong, or you’re just not able. Similar to a weak student’s confidence in the classroom, you might lack confidence in implementing a digital strategy. WARM SOFT TRUTH: You are capable of transforming your school’s digital presence, and the tools are at your fingertips right now! Before I break out *HOW* to right the ol’ ship, let’s take a look at the behavior of some schools and how they might land on the ‘digital adoption curve’. Yet another notable contribution from the ‘60s, Everett Rogers’ ‘Diffusion Of Innovations’ described how new ideas and technologies spread. Now, I’m not suggesting internet marketing is a new technology. But to many schools, it may as well be. It’s time for some reflection... TRUTH BOMB: Most schools are at the bottom of the technology curve I work with schools every single day, and many General Directors and Heads Of School shy away from the digital side. Perhaps because they’ve so much else to do, but I think you would agree there is also some fear there. They don’t really know how to make it work for their school and are comfortable with the way things were. This isn’t to say that they don’t participate in digital, but their presence is ineffective or dormant. Let me paint a pretty disturbing picture of what all of this ‘digital curve’ business looks like. Mind you, I’ve adapted these archetypes slightly using the commonly known Technology Adoption Curve, The ‘Pencil Metaphor’ for EdTech Adoption and my own language to make them more fitting to this market. Below, I’ve provided insight into a few archetypical points a school may find itself on the curve. The laggards (schools ignoring the digital facts!) Individuals in this category are the last to adopt an innovation. These individuals typically have an aversion to change. Laggards usually tend to be focused on “traditions,” and say things like “this is the way it’s always been done.” These schools invest in several methods of recruitment but don’t have KPI’s or methods of measurement in place to understand which elements of the strategy are working best, and which are unperforming. They have dormant social media channels that lack a clear strategy or intention. Perhaps the most concerning things about these schools is that they’re often willfully naive. They are suffering head-in-the-sand syndrome and drop major dollars on job fairs every year. There’s no analysis of what all that money spent on recruitment is actually achieving. These schools fail to participate in conversations that are already happening. If nobody chats to your school online - unless no one is applying for your openings, or showing up to student teacher night- there’s something wrong with your digital strategy. The hangers-on (schools that talk the talk but don’t walk the walk) These schools attend the right conferences, know the lingo, acknowledge that modern recruitment challenges can’t be addressed using outdated strategies - but don’t do anything about it. They hate to attend job fairs. But *STILL* do it. They feel the pressure of needing a better online strategy and they’re scrambling. These schools don’t appear on the first page of google results when searching: Teaching Jobs In ((INSERT COUNTRY)). Meaning they aren’t discoverable by the majority of job seeking educators. As far as these schools go, a lot of them still rely on referrals and test scores to pull in candidates. But as the teacher shortage becomes more acute- they will need to change their approach. Collecting and measuring data that will help them move away from the traditional teacher recruitment model of jobs fairs is a big pain point for these Hangers On. Digitally savvy schools (schools leading the digital charge) Recruitment Strategy - Tactics - Results - Measurement - Repeat They also have a diverse online presence. They know their website alone isn’t enough and use multiple channels to amplify their job posting. They’re tapping into the channels that job seekers browse, i.e. education jobs boards, Google, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to engage candidates. hey’re mobile ready - they recognize that 52% of all web traffic is from mobile devices. They use mobile-friendly job descriptions and application processes. These schools know how to measure the success of their recruiting efforts - the most effective channels, what they spend per hire, and as a result, they know where to find their ideal candidates. They also know that a continuous recruitment presence is key. 52% of teachers start their job hunt 6 months in advance, and nearly every single school I speak to could do more to get in front of the right teacher at the exact moment they kick off their search. The job hunt never ends and if you don’t have a pipeline of potential future teachers ready and waiting… you’re doing something wrong. These guys have nailed employer branding. Their careers page and job descriptions make it crystal clear what the compensation, benefits and opportunities for growth are for future teachers at their school. These schools know that when it comes to their employer brand, their biggest advocates are their teachers. They encourage current teachers to submit stories, videos and photos that can be used to attract like-minded teachers and really bring their careers page to life. I know, I know, this is a lot of information to absorb, so my advice is to go away and decide where you land on the digital curve. This is just the start of the digital puzzle and taking some time out to identify where you’re at is a serious part of taking the right steps towards that streamlined digital future…I’ll be back with some steps you can take to boost your school’s digital health! Meanwhile...I’ll be chatting to schools at a number of upcoming events (see bio on my LinkedIn profile for details) and would love to get into details with anyone curious about their school’s digital health. I’m also up for a call if you want to book a time on my Calendly, or you can always drop a comment below. Whatever you choose to do, I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Originally published on LinkedIn.

Is A Spanish Tutor For Toddler the Right Match?

Is A Spanish Tutor For Toddler the Right Match?A Spanish tutor for toddler is the perfect match for any home. Because toddlers love to read and write, a Spanish tutor can help them build their vocabulary and grammar skills before they enter school. And while most parents are impressed with their child's ability to speak the language, few will be completely impressed with the way he or she learned it.Babies usually learn to speak before they learn to read, so Spanish can really help them develop those skills. Babies also love music, so learning Spanish can help to introduce the language to your child. Plus, your baby can start talking the language to you as well as your other family members.Tutors are available in Spanish at any age. They teach a basic level of the language, and children can also study vocabulary in class. While some parents may worry that their child will get bored with the teaching, that couldn't be further from the truth.Many Spanish tutors even have parents that s pecialize in teaching English-speaking children the language. When your child is ready, you can refer to the tutor's book or have your child show you a word or phrase that is difficult to learn. This will give you an idea of what types of words will be a challenge for your child.Once your child is learning the language, you can practice. You can take your child to Spanish-speaking restaurants and have him or her try to use the Spanish phrase 'Nada Me Quiero' when talking to waiters. This can be a great way to get a feeling for the way the words sound when spoken.Once your toddler learns the language, he or she can begin to understand and use simple phrases and sentence construction. He or she will also be able to communicate more easily with friends and family. Some parents have even allowed their toddlers to use Spanish translators so that they can send messages to their children.Because there are so many tutors out there, make sure you look into one that offers personal attention. You should also find out how often the tutor will be available to visit your home. A Spanish tutor for toddler will also be a great asset to your children's education.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Its Hard Being in the Elite Pool of Cabrini Connections Tutors

It's Hard Being in the Elite Pool of Cabrini Connections TutorsIf you want to get into the elite pool of Cabrini connections tutors, then you need to take the time to do a little more than filling out an application. Not just any old application will do as many of these tutors are self-employed and find it difficult to get enough applicants to make a pool that is to their standards.Many of these tutors have had to rely on such applications to weed out applicants who may not have the credentials to become instructors, but don't have a bad credit score either. Unfortunately, for those who find themselves in this situation, there are ways to overcome these hurdles.The first tip to take is to be honest with yourself about your qualifications. Are you qualified for this position because you have a degree or are you qualified due to your teaching experience? In either case, this should be a good indicator as to whether you are qualified for this job.Make sure that you try to get a recommen dation from a classmate, or even a parent or neighbor who has had the same experience with the local education center. Having this type of evidence on your side will help you overcome the second and third reasons why you are rejected.Once you have that on your side, consider your level of teaching as a librarian in a public school versus a private school. Most tutors find that they have more difficulty getting into private schools, since the admissions standards tend to be much higher.Parents want their children to have access to good teachers and so they always prefer them to be taught by people who can actually teach. This is why many parents are much more likely to enroll their child in a private school rather than a public school, since they can afford to send their children to a private school where they feel that they are being well taken care of.So if you are still looking for a Cabrini connections tutor, be prepared to jump through some hoops to get your application accepted . However, if you apply only to the elite pool of tutors, then you can expect to be successful in your endeavor.

How to Make the Most of Your High School Orientation

How to Make the Most of Your High School Orientation The start of high school is often accompanied by apprehension, excitement, and plenty of questions. Luckily, high school orientation is a great opportunity for students to learn all there is to know about available extracurriculars, where classes are located, and what to expect during the first few weeks of the year. When looking to make the most of your high school orientation, review the days schedule, interact with other students, and ensure you bring any necessary items. Hoping to start the school year off on the right foot? Keep reading to learn how to make the most of your high school orientation. High school orientation tip #1: prepare the evening before A bit of preparation the evening before high school orientation can help to calm your nerves and provide you with an idea of whats to come. Most high schools will give you an orientation schedule, for example. Its always helpful to be aware of any activities or tasks that will occur during the day, such as getting your school ID picture taken. You might also have to bring some materials with youset those out the night before so you dont forget them in the morning. [RELATED: 4 Things to Know Before Starting High School] High school orientation tip #2: tackle logistics High school orientation is a great opportunity to take care of several key tasks, such as: Obtaining your fall class schedule Getting your student ID card Scoping out the location of your classes and locker Setting up a school email address Remember, teachers and faculty members are there to help you get settled so you can do your best academically. Ask them questions if you have them. Note that the people in the main office are usually very eager to help new students. High school orientation tip #3: review your schedule Take time during high school orientation to check out your schedule and note the room numbers of your classes. Then, take some time to tour the campus and find out where your classrooms are, especially in relation to your locker. Be sure to place your class schedule in an easily accessible place, such as your locker or the inside of a binder. This all can help you feel less nervous during your first week of school as youre figuring everything out. Also locate other important school areas, such as the cafeteria, library, and gym. [RELATED: How to Maximize Your High School Extracurriculars] High school orientation tip #4: interact with other students If you dont know anyone, its a great idea to start a conversation with someone new. Its not as scary as it seemsit can be as simple as asking a question about your new high school or what classes theyre taking. Additionally, many high schools will have older students working at the orientationask them any questions you may have or advice they have for you in your first week. [RELATED: 5 Qualities of Outstanding High School Leaders] High school orientation tip #5: stay positive Orientation can be nerve-racking, especially in a new school with a plethora of new students. However, remembering that everyone else is new as well can be helpful. Everyone is feeling just as nervous as you, even if you cant tell. Having a positive attitude can open you up to learning exciting things about your new school and making new friends. Its going to be a great year, and this orientation will help you learn everything your school has to offer. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Online Tutors Brings in New Service of Online College Algebra Help

Online Tutors Brings in New Service of Online College Algebra Help Every day we learn something new and every new things that we learn drags us to something better experience in life. Since the time of our school we always go on learning something new and this learning experience is never doomed. While in school we learn a lot of subjects. These subjects help in building up the base of a student and also help in constructing a better future for a student. During our school time we make are encircled with various subjects whom we have to study and learn, but as we grow older the number of subjects decrease and each subject comes up with a depth in it. We have to thoroughly read and know the subject for better learning. At the time when we enter college we are only left with one subject as we have to choose one subject among the other subjects and this subject becomes our destination. Further studies are conducted with this subject as the base. Every student takes up their favorite subject for further studies as they know that they can succeed through the help of this subject in near future. Each subject is different from the other and each subject is treated in a different way by the teacher as well as by the students. Algebra is a subject that is a part of mathematics and revolves around equations and formulas. For many students it can be a tough subject and for many it can be an interesting and a subject to work for. It totally depends on how a student is capable of making the subject get fully utilized. Private tuitions are very necessary as it helps a student to survive with the subject effortlessly. But with time private tuitions are also becoming small classrooms where the teachers gather up many students at a time and teach them leading to no extra effort and attention to any student. Smart and intelligent student can cope up with the subject but for the weak students it becomes very difficult as among so many stude nts they cannot open up completely. The weak students are the sufferers as they are out of reach to many teachers. But with the advent of new technology and some brand new ways through which learning and teaching became possible easily. It is the online way to teach. Online teaching can be a good way through which every student will get justified approach from the teachers. Every student can come up with their problems and also ways through which the problems can be solved. Teachers are found to be many in an online institute of teaching or learning. Today every subject is entertained by the online tutors and this brings in more clarity in the minds of the student. One such subject that is more availed by students of the recent timing is algebra. Algebra is a subject that requires a lot of efficiency from the teacher’s end to make an impressive mark on the student. It is a tough subject and also an interesting subject revolving around various equations and theories. Remembering those formulas is a hard work, but good teachers bring in those formulas to the students in a new manner and also in an easier process as well. Advantages of online teaching process Online college algebra help is the term that we use for the service. This makes every student to encounter some new way to cope up brilliantly with the subject. The teachers are efficient enough for every student to know more about the subject. The quality based teachers are only appointed for the subject so that they can give a clean idea about the subject to the weak students. The good teachers teach the subject in a structured manner. They first try to detect the weak points of a student and then they work on it profusely to make the student approach with the subject in a better way for them to grasp the subject faster and better. The teaching session does not have any time limit and thus it is a big tension free zone for the students. They do not have to work on thinking about what will happen when the teacher will not be beside them. Online teachers are available always all round the clock and throughout the year. The students can sit for the classes anytime they want and anytime they have their comfortable time. The entire session of class is conducted through the help of various online ways as tele conferencing, video conferencing and via online chats. This saves time of a student and also the energy is also consumed as they do not have to move about here and there to attend the tuition classes. Each student is attended by every teacher and thus every single child is given the same kind of attention that is deserved by them. It is a one on one way of learning in each student is attended by the single teacher so that you can get the best out of it. The teachers are always available and thus this is the reason that a student develops a kind of self confidence in the inner soul of a student. A little about TutorPace These facilities will help your attention to be grabbed and will land you in getting what you want. The online tutoring  process is the new and the easy way for any student, any teacher and for a parent also as it brings in the convenient way through which you can easily access the tuition classes without wasting your time and energy. TutorPace is an online teaching institute that will help you to get the best service and that also at a very cheap rate. The quality of teachers is good and this helps in bringing the students much more nearer to the institute. For more information you can easily view their site and know what do they really want and to how much extent. You will get a fair idea about every single detail.

Free Tutoring Associations in the UK

Free Tutoring Associations in the UK Free Opportunities for Disadvantaged Students ChaptersWhy Take Private Lessons From Educational Associations?Homework Help in Local LibrariesFree Tutoring Opportunities for Disadvantaged StudentsAdvantages for Autistic StudentsWhat Is More Effective: Homework Help At Schools and Libraries or at Home?Alternatives to Traditional Free TutoringToday, tutoring can take on many forms:One-on-one tutoring with a teacherAfter-school homework help   at tutoring centres, either in study groups or aloneTutoring in an online classroomEducation blogs that prep you on exam questionsMost of these formats are paying and can often be rather expensive.But there is a solution: government and private foundations offering free tutoring services.Whether in cities or in villages, various associations offer homework help and academic support for struggling students in and outside the classroom.Volunteers sacrifice several hours of their time each week to help schoolchildren and A-Level students succeed.Here are some of the opportunities offered in Brita in for free private tutoring. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free !Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Take Private Lessons From Educational Associations?The easiest free tutoring is studying alone.With the age of Internet and sites offering an online writing lab, free online tutoring in science and engineering, maths or history, you might not consider private lessons or lessons in a learning community straight away. Especially since such online tutoring services can’t be beaten for flexibility and accessibility.However, free math tutoring online can be insufficient, while lessons with a tutor through an app such as YUP or TutorMe pricing can be expensive.Additional ly, it can be difficult to advance when there is no-one in front of you to correct your mistakes and, even more importantly, explain why you are wrong and offer strategies to improve your learning process.One-on-one or small-group tutoring is the best way to advance and make progress. Photo credit: US Department of Education on VisualHuntTaking private lessons through a tutoring program can let you:Get free lessons from interested volunteersImprove your reading skillsReview your lessons one more time to make sure you understand themUnderstand your errors and work on correcting themAsk any questions you didn’t dare ask in class or that have come up since thenWork on your study skills to eventually achieve academic success on your own.These associations provide documentation, manuals and audiovisual materials such as textbooks, audiobooks, ebooks or exercise sheets.Everything is generally free. A few organisations ask for a registration fee, but it’s usually not very much. It is m ostly symbolical and lets you participate in all their activities and pays for photocopies. In some, you will have to pay for materials (notebooks and pens and such) and books, others will supply everything. So make sure you browse through online testimonials before making your first appointment so you know what to expect.Did you know you could also take advantage of free online tutoring resources?Homework Help in Local LibrariesIn many libraries in the UK, it is possible to sign up for afterschool homework tutoring. Homework Help Sessions (such as here in Nottingham) offer free resources such as computers with free Internet accessibility, pens, paper, calculators etc. - ideal for children from low-income  or otherwise disadvantaged households. They also have volunteer tutors eager to answer your questions about integral equations, give you encouragement and help with study strategies and career exploration.Some libraries offer homework help sessions. Photo credit: jakemohan on Visu al HuntYou can usually find the library locations offering after-school tutoring and learning programs on the local council website, search for “library homework help sessions” online or use the search at CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsFree Tutoring Opportunities for Disadvantaged StudentsBut as wonderful as it is to see people volunteering for library homework help sessions, the tutors there will sometimes be dealing with several students at once. If it’s just a case of making sure homework is done properly and answering a few questions about the exercises or lesson, a group tutoring program is fine. But if your chi ld has real difficulties - such as a learning disability - whether it be in calculus 1 or history or geography lessons, one-on-one tutoring is the best answer.While there is no official government programme, Britain’s educational system works with several associations to offer help to disadvantaged teens and elementary school children. Some have their own learning centre while others have an outreach program in the schools themselves.TutorFairTutorFair works with a number of schools in the UK. They provide in-class tutoring, with tutors working directly with teachers to identify students most in need of encouragement and make a tuition plan to help them progress. They also offer small-group lessons with two or three students, taking place either at lunchtime or after school.Additionally, they provide texting-based tuition. A new GCSE maths program allows students to communicate with tutors on-demand via instant messenger.To receive their qualifications, tutors have to provide a DB S check and receive child protection training.The Access ProjectThe Access Project also partners with schools to provide support on-site at GCSE and A-Levels. Tutors work one-on-one with the child in weekly sessions and stay in contact with the student’s teacher to track vulnerable subjects and their progress.They also offer mentoring for applications and interviews to undergraduate courses at college and higher education courses.Some tutoring programs offer help with applications to universities and other centres of higher learning. Photo credit: pcgn7 on VisualHuntAction TutoringAction Tutoring offers in-school tutoring in reading and writing as well as mathematics as an after-school program (no summer tutoring). They supply workbooks and work either one-to-one or one-to-two, with an average of ten tutors per after-school tutoring program. Qualified teachers have completed a training program and DBS check.LanguageFuturesLanguage Futures concentrate on helping students learning a second language at primary and secondary levels. Their scope is a little wider, providing not only support for students in difficulty but also More Able, Gifted and Talented students. They partner with schools to broaden the opportunities for language learning and help students stay motivated and reinforce independent study skills.Are free tutoring websites effective without the benefit of a one to one tutor's guidance?Advantages for Autistic StudentsWhile it is generally considered healthy for students on the autistic spectrum to learn alongside non-autistic students, the daily routine of school and homework and interpersonal relationships can be very challenging to someone with autism or other social disabilities.Brain in Hand is a combination app/support system. The smartphone app offers a calendar function with reminders about upcoming tasks and how long they are estimated to take. It will remind the child of upcoming deadlines and any changes in its daily routine. This gives t he child a greater sense of security because they always know what is coming up next.But in addition to daily task reminders, the app also provides the child with coping strategies. When they are confronted with a stressful situation, they can look on their phone and find reminders on how to stay calm, what questions to ask to get the answers they need to centre themselves.And if that doesn’t work, the student can press an “emergency red button” that puts them in touch with someone at the National Autistic Society.Reminders can be inputted by parents and teachers with official access to the app.There are several planning apps for autistic children out there, but Brain in Hand offers an impressive support structure for the pupil and school.Discover how to make the most of the free tutoring apps available to every student...What Is More Effective: Homework Help At Schools and Libraries or at Home?Associations with their own rooms or a tutoring center will have access to games, c omputers and other equipment. However, from a psychological point of view, it is generally a better idea for teachers to help out at the student’s home.The idea is not to do housework or cook dinner but to avoid wasting too much time travelling to and from school, tutoring and home. Having an educator come to their home means that the student isn’t taken out of their comfort zone - often useful when the student has learning disabilities.Students are often less apt to play tough and pretend to know more than they do when they aren’t in unfamiliar surroundings.One-on-one tutoring is the best way to improve grades and study practices. Photo credit: US Department of Education on Visual HuntHowever, in some cases, a bad family situation will make it easier for some students to learn outside of the home, and some students with other types of learning disabilities might profit from props and games that are not necessarily portable.Home tutoring is generally the better option, but it is important to tailor free math tutoring (or tutoring in any other subject) to the needs of each child. An individualized learning curriculum also means adapting in terms of physical places for lessons or even organising an online tutor session via Skype. A school counselor can help figure out which strategy is best.Alternatives to Traditional Free TutoringSome associations seek to improve their activities and take them to the next level. Not content to help students with their numeracy or improve in their second language at home, some have expanded beyond home tutoring.Long-distance tutoring can take several forms. There are two main ones:Online tutoringTutoring by mail.If the pedagogical basis is sound, they can give a good working ethic, adapted to school rhythms, with excellent resources for algebra, physics or chemistry.Long-distance learning is old, but the Internet has definitely changed the game. An online learning academy is particularly attractive to teens. They can even include video conferences with a live math tutor or chemistry tutor and several friends. Without having to factor in travel time, scheduling just became a lot easier!Now find out where you can turn for free tutoring in the UK!